The LBC was very privileged to have a Zoom visit from John Macfarlane, the celebrated artist and ballet/opera designer on the 23rd February. Conversing with the writer Graham Watts OBE, John talked about how he had started out as a theatre creative, mainly in German Opera Houses. His dual career was emphasised by the fact that, throughout, he has built his own models and painted his own backcloths. John had enjoyed long term associations with a number of distinguished choreographers and producers and the developmental process he described illustrated the extent to which his input had often influenced the mood, and even the storyline and choreographic content, of a work. The restrictions imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic had afforded him the opportunity to draw breath, to paint without the deadline of a scheduled exhibition, and to prepare for upcoming productions, including re-mounting Frankenstein in Denmark. While John was now more cautious of taking on major projects in the longer term, he remained excited by new challenges, including the possibility of one at La Scala, Milan.


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