In 2020, the annual joint visit of The London Ballet Circle and The Ballet Association was cancelled because of 'lockdown' but, on 27th April 2021, visitors were allowed back into the studios via Zoom to watch the following classes:

3rd Year Ladies - taught by Daria Klimentova - mainly barre

3rd Year Men - taught by Ricardo Cervera - centre work

1st Year Ladies - taught by Nicola Tranah - mainly barre with a new routine being practised

2nd Year Ladies - taught by Daria Klimentova - barre progressing to centre

2nd Year Men - taught by Zhan Atymtayev - centre work

1st Year mixed Contemporary - taught by Angela Towler

Members were thrilled to be able to be 'back in the studio' after so long and look forward to being able to watch the students perform during the summer.

The LBC is very grateful to the School for making this glimpse into its working life possible and so enjoyable.

As a result of the visit and the bookings made by members and guests via the LBC website, £1500 is being donated to the School with the hope that the money might be used to help students with their job searches at this difficult time.

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The London Ballet Circle is registered in England and Wales under charity number 1123258 © 2021 The London Ballet Circle. All rights reserved unless explicitly stated otherwise.
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