Since it first premiered in 1913, there have been many versions of Rite of Spring.  Now it’s the turn of Alexander Whitley and his company of five dancers to take on this iconic work which will premiere in 2024.  London Ballet Circle members were privileged to spend a very interesting hour in the studio watching the company work on the choreography. 

As work is only just beginning on the piece, Alexander and the dancers are exploring the themes of community, taking from the earth and, in return, offering up a sacrifice.  The work will be in two parts, the first being the journey of life and the second, the journey to death.  Using the original synopsis, Alexander is creating a work that uses spatial placement, game playing, the idea of a group rather than individuals, and the exploration of the connection of humans with nature.  

Once the choreography is set, the technical side of the piece will be added.  Currently, the company is spending a lot of time improvising and delving deeply into the themes of the movement and the music.  It will be fascinating to see how the work develops from what the LBC members were shown.  This new interpretation, based on Nijinsky and Stravinsky’s iconic Rite of Spring, will be titled Future Rites and we will be eagerly awaiting the opportunity to see the finished piece.

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