The London Ballet Circle was pleased to host First Soloist of The Royal Ballet, Isabella Gasparini, for a night of conversation with London Ballet Circle Events Secretary, Fiona Erleigh.

Over the course of the evening, Isabella discussed the arc of her career, from her training in São Paulo, Brazil and at the Canadian National Ballet School, to her later career success at Northern Ballet, English National Ballet and The Royal Ballet. Isabella provided LBC members with a number of fascinating insights into the day-to-day life of a ballet dancer - how do dancers find out about roles? How do you balance dancing with other commitments? What is the rehearsal schedule like? 

Amongst other anecdotes and insights, Isabella discussed the challenges of leaving home and living away from family, the opportunities she had to dance new roles at Northern and the joys and challenges of dancing with the Royal Ballet, as well as her future plans and aspirations. 

You can read the full report of this event on the website: here.

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