Being able to watch to a rehearsal at ENB School was a long-awaited and much looked forward to event as it had been 2 years since the last visit.  A warm welcome from Artistic Director Viviana Durante set the tone and what Members saw was well worth the wait as the third year students were rehearsing the third act of Rudolf Nureyev’s Raymonda for their Winter Showcase which will be held in early December.  
Third year ladies’ tutor Nicola Simpson and third year men’s tutor Juan Eymar, accompanied by Mark Webster on the piano, gave detailed and careful corrections and encouragement to the dancers.  The rehearsal concentrated on approximately 4 or 5 minutes of the work and reminded the members of the LBC just how much preparation and coaching goes into each step, each gesture, each turn of the head.  

We hope this was the first of many more stimulating afternoons at ENBS.

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