A group of over 20 members were welcomed by Central School’s Mark Osterfield (Executive Director) and Kate Coyne (Artistic Director). They thanked LBC for its continuing support for the school.

Third year students each year form Ballet Central which effectively runs as a company rehearsing from January and touring from May to July, giving students experience of being a professional dancer.

This year there is new work from Jules Cunningham, Carolyn Bolton and Daniel Davidson, a freelance who has just completed an MA at Central. A highlight is a restaging of the final act of Coppelia by ballet tutor and ex ENB First Soloist, Adela Ramirez, who led a rehearsal of extracts for us. This involved different casts, an inevitability of touring.

Our visit was rounded off by a question and answer session with 9 of the students with Ben Warbis, Ballet Central Lead. This covered such subjects as touring life, the challenges of different dance genres, the balance between too much and too little rehearsal, working with choreographers and seeking jobs. 

The eagerness of students to share their thoughts was appreciated and gave added value to our visit - and there is already a date in the diary for June 2025!

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