We were warmly welcomed by Artistic Director, Viviana Durante. The visit was timed to see students rehearse their Winter Showcase programme being performed 7-10 December.

First, second and third year students were all involved in the rehearsal together with students on the ENBS Trainee Programme. These 6 month programmes were set up during Lockdown to help students audition and prepare for a professional career at a difficult time but its success has led to it being continued. The December performances also include younger ENBS associates.

What did we see? Well, it was a very long list (available on request) but a well balanced programme of classical and contemporary; solo, partnering and ensemble. There were familiar excerpts from Giselle, Swan Lake, Don Quixote, Paquita, Raymonda and Le Corsaire and a few less familiar. Some adaptions were inevitable as the performance space has limitations.

The contemporary pieces were credited to ENBS teachers “in collaboration with all the dancers”.

Well deserved applause at the end from some 40 members for the dancers, teachers and music staff. As usual LBC makes a charitable donation from the money collected, in this case £650.

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