The Solo Seal Certificate is The Royal Academy of Dance’s highest award. The candidates have completed all levels of the RAD syllabus and their devotion and hard work have led them to this day. The examination takes place in front of two judges and a live audience.

The London Ballet Circle was kindly invited to watch the December examination of two very talented young ballerinas. Judges Jenny Hale (Chief Examiner at the RAD) and Viviana Durante (Artistic Director of English National Ballet School) assessed the dancers, and the results of the exam will be announced in the New Year.

The examination consists of three parts: a set variation, Genee’ Port de Bras (attributed to Adeline Genee’); a 21st Century Variation, Dance a Little Faster (choreography by Yuri Ng); and a 19th Century Classical Repertoire Variation (La Bayadere). With Martin Cleave at the piano, the two young dancers demonstrated their technique and their ability to connect with the audience. Even though they must have been very nervous, they danced beautifully and with confidence. Whatever the outcome of their examinations, these young women are bound to find a place in the ballet world which is obviously where they belong.

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