September 11th was the first day back in class at the Herne Hill studio of Let’s all Dance. The company was one of the recipients of this year’s LBC Choreographic Award (now known as the LBC Gainsbury Award) and the LBC were invited to watch a rehearsal for next year’s production of Puss in Boots danced to some of Mozart’s more familiar music. Company director, Orit Sutton, introduced the versatile Fran Mangiacasale (principal choreographer, coach, character dancer and also costume designer!) plus the four other dancers due to perform in this particular work. Orit and Fran stressed to us that the dancers had been selected not just for their strong technique but also for their acting talents and their ability to communicate with their audience which comprises mainly children. Coming from a variety of dance backgrounds the troupe clearly gelled well together and loved their job.

The company, which has been running for over 10 years, tours around London and the UK in a variety of venues including libraries and parks trying to reach out to children who may not normally attend theatre performances. Orit said she wanted them to see first class bite-sized ballet (productions are around 45 minutes in length) but also to engage with the dancers either through the crystal-clear storytelling, interactive elements or with photo opportunities after each performance. 

It was a real treat to see such a small company at work and we were invited to ask questions of Orit, Fran and the dancers and also of the costume maker who had been watching alongside. This was a rehearsal of a ballet very much in its early stages choreographed around the particular talents of each individual dancer and we were invited to return next year to follow its progression. Puss in Boots opens next Spring, and we will keep you informed of dates and venues. 

Following this event a donation of £125 was made.

Report by Krissie Poyser

The London Ballet Circle is registered in England and Wales under charity number 1123258 © 2021 The London Ballet Circle. All rights reserved unless explicitly stated otherwise.
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