On what was a cold, snowy December day, a dedicated group of London Ballet Circle members ventured out to the Royal Ballet School to be warmed by the lively anecdotes, musings, and memories of Marcelino Sambé, “in conversation” with dance writer Sarah Crompton. The event was simultaneously livestreamed around the world for members unable to join us in London.

Marcelino started by talking about his upbringing in Portugal, where he was only one of four boys in his ballet class at the National Conservatory of Lisbon, and his subsequent schooling at the Royal Ballet Upper School in London. 

Upon graduation from the RBS he joined the Royal Ballet, where he has since had the chance to dance a varied repertoire, including creating new roles in Cathy Marsden’s The Cellist and Christopher Wheeldon’s Like Water for Chocolate. Marcelino reminisced on his experiences collaborating with these choreographers, working alongside other “amazing” dancers, and the importance of bringing diverse work to the stage, among other topics. Following a successful debut at Draft Works a few years ago, Marcelino also discussed his own choreographic ambitions. 

Audience members had a wide range of questions ready for Marcelino, covering: Ballet’s popularity among boys, which roles he most wants to perform (Marcelino answered: Macmillan’s Requiem), and his opinion on American ballet (he is a big fan of Jerome Robbins!).

A full report of this talk will be made available in due course, and a recording is available for members on our member’s only page: here.

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