The London Ballet Circle has visited the Masters of Ballet Academy in Acton in previous years to watch their Summer Intensives and subsequent performance. This year LBC sponsored a student on their Easter Intensive over 4 days in April and members were invited to watch over the week.

Co Artistic Director, Elena Glurjidze, was a panel member for judging our choreographic award this year reflecting the closer working between the organisations to benefit students and providing opportunities for members to see students develop.

The Easter Intensive split students into juniors (under 11), seniors and pre-professional (15 and over). There are extended classes each day followed by solo and repertoire work.

The Academy chose Bruno, a year 8 boy aged 13 in the seniors group as the receipient of our sponsorship. He is certainly talented and one to watch.

In addition to Elena taking seniors class, members were able to sit in on pre-professional class and repertoire work, led by Dmitri Gruzdev, ex English National Ballet principal and seniors doing their repertoire and contemporary rehearsals, led by other Academy teachers.

LBC has topped up its sponsorship funding with money raised from members attending the Intensive.

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