It is with great sadness that we share the news of Henry Danton's passing on February 9th, 2022. The London Ballet Circle sends its condolences to his family and friends, with whom he was looking forward to celebrating his 103rd birthday in a few weeks' time.

Henry was a Sadler's Wells Royal Ballet dancer after World War 2 and was a member of the original cast of Sir Frederick Ashton's Symphonic Variations. After a distinguished international career as a dancer, he turned to teaching and became legendary in that craft.

We will always be grateful to him for his enthusiasm for the LBC, his "In Conversation" with Dame Monica Mason and his contribution to the 75th Anniversary Celebration. 

The LBC was extremely fortunate to be able to link up with Henry for an "In Conversation" with Dame Monica Mason in May 2021. A full report of this event is available here and the recording has been posted below.

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