27 November 2024 

The school has been running since 2006, previously as the Young Dancers Academy. It is an independent day school with a curriculum 50% academic/ 50% dance. The school receives no Government or local authority funding and it relies on school fees and donations (mainly from Foundations and Trusts) in equal proportions.

We were welcomed by Gavin McCaig (Director of Business Operations) and had a tour of the building, briefly watching the end of class in the two studios. The school had been able to expand into the whole building last year to add the second studio, new classrooms and offices.

The school prides itself on having small class sizes, capped at 13, and offering musical theatre studies which might be the ultimate career option for some students.

We watched the full class of graduate year Y11, led by Gavin himself. They have a busy year, not only dancing but doing GCSE’s and auditioning for Upper Schools such as English National and Elmhurst Ballet Schools.

After a mince pie and a drink there was a chance for a Q&A session with Kate Blackburn (Academic Director) and 3 senior students, covering topics such as their start in dance, tap dancing and the problems of the daily commute. The school has concerns about the effects of the introduction of VAT on private school fees!

Finally we were given a short Christmas themed performance by the school choir and two solos from the Nutcracker, which was shortly to be performed at the Shaw Theatre (7-8 December).

It was an excellent and wide-ranging 3 hour visit and LBC has made a £300 donation to the school.

Report by Keith White

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