Following a donation from the London Ballet Circle 75th Anniversary Choreographic Fund, members were invited to watch company class and rehearsal. NEBT is presenting a programme of 6 pieces by 6 choreographers and the LBC is proud to have been able to help support this ambitious undertaking. 

Daniela Cardim, former dancer with Dutch National Ballet, choreographer, and Assistant Director of NEBT, took class with the 11 dancers. Watching her teach class, the meticulous attention to detail, the clarity of her direction was fascinating and the class responded quickly and eagerly to her. 

After a short break, Érico Montes, former Royal Ballet First Artist, took rehearsal of Jenna Lee’s Four Seasons. The dancers have only been working on the piece for the past few days but it’s clear that they are enjoying the work and putting a huge effort into the choreography. As with Daniela, Érico’s attention to the finer points of the movements made the smallest nuance clear and beautiful. The four couples eagerly took in the corrections with alacrity.

It was a privilege for the members to have this opportunity and we are very grateful to Director Karen Pilkington-Miksa for the invitation. We can’t wait to see the company on stage at The Linbury Theatre in June.  

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