The London Ballet Circle is a charity regulated by The Charity Commission [#1123258].
Our official Objects are to promote and support dance and the kindred arts for the public benefit, seeking to:
- enhance public knowledge and deepen individual and collective appreciation of the art of ballet and associated dance forms
- stimulate public interest in dance by fostering a spirit of fellowship between audiences and dance companies and artists
- encourage excellence, in particular by awarding bursaries for ballet/dance students so as to advance the education of young people who would not otherwise have the opportunity for such specialised training
- offer such other charitable assistance in relation to dance, according to the law of England and Wales and as the Trustees may from time to time determine, especially, but not limited, to dance organisations per se.
We aim to achieve this by:
- Arranging talks by artists and prominent figures in dance; publishing related reports (and videos for Members)
- Visiting dance schools, dance companies and exhibitions
- Creating an environment for knowledge exchange and social interaction focused on dance
- Providing information in member newsletters, on the charity’s website and on social media; and
- Liaising with organisations and key individuals in the field of dance across the UK.
All the money The London Ballet Circle raises via subscriptions, the proceeds from events, and donations is spent for the benefit of the charity, with most of the funds supporting student dancers and dance projects.
The London Ballet Circle operates under the terms of its Constitution. Members must also abide by the Code of Conduct and separate policies concerned with: members’ privacy; use of the website and social media; conflicts of interest; and complaints, as well as guidelines for visits to ballet/dance schools.
The Trustees, including the Officers, are elected annually at the AGM and are responsible for the efficient and effective organisation of the charity. They meet on a regular basis throughout the year and work in an entirely voluntary capacity.
The Trustees keep a Register of Interests to be sure that there is no conflict of interest in their decision-making.